October 2022 - Reports
Financials Sector Note – Dark Clouds Over the Market & Silver Linings

2022 to date has been turbulent to say the least, with challenging equity markets partly driven by significant outflows and a deteriorating macro outlook impacted by geopolitical uncertainty, inflationary pressures and rising interest rates. Overall equity markets have de-rated on relatively low volumes, and market turmoil was compounded by the UK government’s recent handling of the mini budget and its subsequent reversal. Despite this we continue to see highly attractive opportunities across the entire financials sector.


Stocks mentioned in the note include:

Aquis Exchange (AQX), Curtis Banks Group (CBP), FRP Advisory Group (FRP), Liontrust Asset Management (LIO), LendInvest (LINV), Mattioli Woods (MTW), Tatton Asset Management (TAM) and Urban Logistics REIT (SHED)

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