May 2024 - Singer Growth Economy
Singer Growth Economy: UK Housing Supply Panel Event 2024

Singer Capital Markets was delighted to host our “UK Housing Supply Panel Event” as part of our series of Singer Growth Economy themed events. The event consisted of a panel discussion featuring 5 key players in the housing market including Springfield Properties, The PRS REIT, MJ Gleeson, Homes England and Home Group. The panel delved into topics such as the outlook for UK housing supply across tenures, challenges to delivery as well as exploring the opportunities for UK quoted companies against this backdrop.



In addition to the panel discussion, the event also featured insights into Labour housing policies from two former Labour politicans, Kelly Edwards and John Howarth from Instinctif Partners.

For more information on this event, and/or to request the event recording, please contact us.

What is the Singer Growth Economy?

In these uncertain times it has never been more important for us to nurture and support growth companies. Our economy must recoup the considerable costs of recent crises and our firm belief is that this can only be achieved by stimulating productivity in our great nation’s innovators, disrupters and challengers.

The Singer Growth Economy highlights opportunities across four overarching themes: Health & Wellbeing of the Population, Transition to a Sustainable Economy, Innovation & Emerging Technologies and Geopolitics & Demographics. Within these themes we have identified what we believe to be the most powerful growth drivers shaping the future of our economy, playing out not over months, or even years, but over decades.

Learn more about the Singer Growth Economy