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Frequently Asked Questions

What is MiFID II?
The EU legislative framework, Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II), came into effect on 3 January 2018, superseding MiFID (November 2007). MiFID II is relevant for Singer Capital Markets as we provide services to clients in relation to financial instruments; its aim is to strengthen investor protection and improve the functioning of financial markets making them more efficient, resilient and transparent.   MiFID II brought new requirements, in order to meet this aim, which included:  
  • New reporting requirements to provide greater transparency;
  • Unbundling of research from other products and services firms provide;
  • New product governance requirements for manufacturers and distributors;
  • The prominence of trading on MTFs and OTFs, plus the introduction of SIs; and
  • Revisions to best execution and cost and charges disclosure requirements.
In what capacity does Singer Capital Markets operate?
Singer Capital Markets is an investment firm offering execution services as a broker and market maker.
Singer Capital Markets is committed to providing insightful and thought provoking research to our clients. We charge for research-related services, which enables the buy side to clearly see the amounts paid in relation to these services. Should you wish to receive Singer Capital Markets’ research products, please contact Research Entitlement
Is Singer Capital Markets a Systematic Internaliser (SI)?
No – Singer Capital Markets is a registered market maker on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) where we make quotes publicly available by publishing two way prices and provide liquidity. Singer Capital Markets executes on own account, and our UK equity trading is trade reported to the LSE. As a result, these trades are on venue trades, abiding by the rules and systems of the Exchange.
Best Execution
Singer Capital Markets provides best execution to clients in line with our Order Execution Policy.
What is Singer Capital Markets’ LEI number?
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