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Singer Growth Economy

Key themes and growth drivers influencing the UK economy

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In these uncertain times it has never been more important for us to nurture and support growth companies.

Our economy must recoup the considerable costs of recent crises and our firm belief is that this can only be achieved by stimulating productivity in our great nation’s innovators, disrupters and challengers. The Singer Growth Economy highlights opportunities across four overarching themes. Within these themes we have identified what we believe to be the most powerful growth drivers shaping the future of our economy, playing out not over months, or even years, but over decades.

The Singer Growth Economy Themes

Health & Wellbeing of the Population
The next decade will see continued convergence of healthcare, technology and consumer industries resulting in healthcare becoming more personalized, digitized, preventative and seamlessly integrated into daily life.
Growth Drivers
  • Genomic-based Technologies
  • Personalised & Preventative
  • Biology-led Drug Discovery
  • Efficiency through the Cycle from Discovery to Consumer
  • Health Monitoring
  • Nutrition
Transition to a Sustainable Economy
The Sustainable Economy is an alternative vision for growth and development built on transformational technological drivers that are required to address climate and environmental challenges.
Growth Drivers
  • Climate Change & Energy Transition
  • 21st Century Infrastructure
  • Water, Energy & Food Security
  • Waste Management, Recycling and Product Life
  • Advanced Materials
  • Growing and Ageing Population
Innovation & Emerging Technologies
We believe that the Digital Revolution that started in the 1960’s has decades to run with tech spending as a percentage of GDP set to double in the next 10 years.
Growth Drivers
  • Digitisation and Process Automation
  • Business Resilience and Cyber Security
  • Big Data & AI
  • Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Communications Infrastructure
  • Creative Entertainment
Geopolitics & Demographics
The world is seeing a period of acceleration in change. Changing geopolitical orbits are driving, for example, supply chain revolutions. Defence is at the heart of government thinking again, and the ageing western population continues to challenge the historic consensus.
Growth Drivers
  • Security of Supply Chains and Re-Industrialisation of the Developed World
  • National Security & Defence
  • Developing Working Practices and Attitudes
  • Increasing and More Complex Regulation
  • Democratisation of Finance and Emerging Global Wealth
  • Consumer Evolution
  • Education

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