March 2021 - Uncategorized
AdvancedAdvT Limited raise £130 million

AdvancedAdvT Limited raise £130 million

AdvancedAdvT Limited (previously named ‘Marwyn Acquisition Company I Limited’) is pleased to announce a Placing of 94.8 million new Ordinary Shares of no par value in the Company issued at £1 per share and subscriptions by each of Marwyn Asset Management Limited, Vin Murria OBE and other direct investors for, in aggregate, 35.2 million Ordinary Shares at the Placing Price raising a total of £130 million in order to pursue its stated acquisition strategy.

The new Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Fundraising have been admitted to the Standard Segment of the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market at 8.00 a.m. on 23 March 2021.

On Admission, the Company was renamed to AdvancedAdvT Limited, with a new LSE ticker (ADVT) and website.

Vin Murria OBE, Chairman of the Company, commented:

“We are delighted to see such significant investor support for our strategy to capitalise on the opportunities in the software sector, and we look forward to deploying the capital to buy and grow an attractive platform acquisition. We thank our investors for their support and backing.”

Singer Capital Markets has been appointed as the Company’s Sole Broker with effect from Admission.

About AdvancedAdvT Limited

AdvancedAdvT Limited is an acquisition vehicle listed on the standard segment of the London Stock Exchange. The Company is led by Chairman Vin Murria OBE, who previously founded and was CEO of Advanced Computer Software Group plc (2008-2015). The Company raised £130 million through a fundraising in March 2021 with the support of leading institutional investors to pursue its stated investment strategy of seeking mid-cap acquisition opportunities in the software sector.

Ticker: ADVT
Market Cap: £153.2 million
Website: Click here